Most people are aware that airborne pollutants outside of the home can hurt their health. However, the quality of the air inside your home is just as important, if not more so. Fortunately, there are some early warning signs that the indoor air quality of your Mesa, AZ, home isn’t up to standards.

1. Constant Coughing and Congestion

One of the leading factors in a home’s indoor air quality is the concentration of particles it contains. There are impure particles in all of the air you breathe, but when a home has poor indoor air quality, it means that there is a high concentration of these impurities. If you and your family begin keeping a cough and staying congested more often than usual, it may mean that your home’s IAQ is suffering.

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Frequent coughing and congestion in your household might be more than just a common cold. Such symptoms often indicate a high concentration of harmful particles in your indoor environment. This ongoing respiratory distress suggests that the indoor air quality in your home may be poor, filled with pollutants that standard ventilation can’t clear. Regularly observing and noting these symptoms can provide crucial clues to the quality of your indoor air.

2. Dry and Irritated Skin

A dry, scratchy throat that results in a cough isn’t the only physical symptom of poor IAQ; itchy, dry skin is another warning sign that your indoor air quality isn’t what it should be. Poor indoor air quality can not only cause dry skin, but can also intensify the symptoms of eczema, acne, and other skin conditions.

If you or your family members are experiencing exacerbated skin conditions such as eczema or acne, it could be due to the dry and contaminated air in your home. Poor indoor air quality often strips moisture from the environment, leading to dry, itchy skin and aggravating existing skin issues. It’s essential to consider these symptoms seriously as they directly correlate with the air you breathe indoors.

3. Mucous Membrane Irritation

Finally, poor IAQ can irritate the mucus membranes in your eyes, nose, throat, and mouth. If you find yourself experiencing dry eyes, mouth, and nose whenever you’re at home, your home’s air could be contaminated.

Indoor Air Quality Assessments in Tempe, AZ

A clear indicator of poor indoor air quality is the consistent irritation of mucous membranes leading to dry eyes, sore throats, dry nasal passages, and an overall feeling of dryness when indoors. Such conditions can make everyday living uncomfortable and are a sign that the air within your home may contain irritants or is excessively dry.

To combat these issues, it is crucial to employ effective solutions such as air purifiers, which can remove a significant amount of airborne pollutants, and humidifiers or dehumidifiers, which help maintain optimal humidity levels. These devices play a vital role in balancing indoor air properties, thus enhancing both comfort and health.

Why Considering Ventilation Experts To Protect Your Home in Meza, AZ

At Chandler Air, we understand the nuances of maintaining excellent indoor air quality. Our team is equipped with the latest tools and knowledge to assess your home’s air quality and implement the most effective solutions.

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We offer comprehensive services, from evaluating current air quality levels to installing advanced air purification systems. Ensuring your indoor environment is safe and comfortable is our top priority. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you achieve and maintain the ideal indoor air quality in your Mesa, AZ home.

Image provided by iStock

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